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Saturday, April 27, 2013

A Child Must be Informed (2010)

Julie was scheduled for a nuclear scan, and being a progressive thinking parent, I felt it best that she understand the reality of the scan, and the procedure. The week before her nuclear scan I told her that the medicine that they injected would make her glow. I'd been telling her that all week, but I had no idea she believed me.  She is supposed to be intelligent after all.  So we arrive at the hospital early in the morning, and Julie lies down on the table.  The tech is explaining the hour long procedure to her and then asks if she has any questions.  She said, "Will I glow?" The tech is somewhat taken aback by this question, but very kindly says, "No, you won't glow."   HA HA HA HA.  I was crying I was laughing so hard.  She looks over at me and says, "YOU ARE SUCH A JERK!" 

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