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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Memory Lane in the Form of Greyson Noble

These days with Greyson are a fast run down memory lane for me.  It's like reliving Julia Bernice through her son.  He is so much like her.  I'm glad that he is, because Julie is the lost child of the three of mine.  Not intentionally, but she was 18 months old when Jacob was born, so a lot of her babyhood and toddler events are lost in the depths of a mildly dysfunctional brain.  My brain, that is.

When Greyson looks at me with that look of defiance, I see his mom.  When he smiles that big huge, you just gotta love me, smile....I see his mom.  When he cuddles up close with all his chubby cuteness, I see his mom.  When I say, "Give me that." and he knows he is in trouble, he smiles that big old smile, and then fast crawls away from me.  Just like his mom.  When he is giving grandpa grief with his stubbornness, grandpa says, "Just like his mom, only he might be worse."  He's not, we just forgot.

Greyson has a new phrase that I have been trying to figure out, and today I think I finally figured it out.  He is saying....Have that.  It sounds like AB DAT.  He hears it constantly throughout the day, because he constantly has something he shouldn't.  I will say, "Let me have that." and the race is on.

I'm glad he is letting me AB DAT memory of Julia.