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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

A Vacant Store Front

Life, like a vacant store front, empty, dusty, lacking in appeal.  The windows, streaked and dirty, hiding the secret of emptiness within.  The awning, once so vibrant, cradles dry rot, and is torn and tattered from the wind.  The store front, once so pretty, so alluring with it's pretties, no longer can entice the traveler in. The store front sits vacant, silent, like a life that's incomplete.  A reminder of a time when dreams and hopes were wonderful, and life was full and busy, and happiness was everywhere.

Can life be breathed once again into the vacant places?  Can the torn and tattered awning, holding court above, be renewed, and shade the brilliant sun again? Can hopes and dreams, and wonderful schemes be seen through windows new and clean?  Can the aging, forgotten person, who is the vacant store front, still offer something pretty, alluring, hopeful, vibrant, and enticing to the traveler who has paused to look within?

What does that vacant store front, with it's windows, streaked and dirty,   really have to offer those who pause to look within?  Where once there was a busy life, a purpose to fulfill, is there really emptiness, or just a forgotten store front with potential still?  Are there treasures still inside, an aged beauty where wisdom resides?  From those hopes, and dreams, and schemes, lessons have been learned, and though the outside seems so tattered, within the heart lies life and hope, and knowledge to be gleaned.

Life isn't always what it seems.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

The Lead Stick

My mighty mom has a weapon known as the lead stick.  We all have a healthy respect for that weapon, because we know it only looks like the handle of a hammer.  If that lead stick were to connect with your head, your obituary might read:  They never knew what hit them.

Mom has had that lead stick for several years, and it abides near her when she sleeps.  If ever the need arises to wake mom in the night, we all know to stand at a fair distance and call out to her.  In her mind, much damage could be done to an intruder who dares to intrude.  In reality, she is quite difficult to wake up, and when she does, she never wakes up swinging that lead stick, but you never know, so you respect the lead stick.

My mighty mom can slay dragons with that lead stick, as well as anyone stupid enough to break into her house.  She has no doubt at all about her ability.  I, however, don't think she's all that mighty. The other day she was telling me about the damage she could do if the need arose.  I said, "Mom, you aren't as strong and tough as you think you are, and plus, you're old now."  I said that from a fair distance, and I felt certain I could outrun her if she came after me.

She said, "I'll have you know that I'm a tough old lady, and don't you be telling me what I can't do."  I told her that she is not as strong as a man, and she could easily be overpowered.  She gave me that Lewis look, and it's to be feared as much, if not more, than that lead stick.  I'm telling you, if looks could damage....I would be severely damaged considering the many times in my life I have been given that look.

I probably shouldn't doubt her.  If perchance, some big strong guy is idiotic enough to break into her house, she would have surprise on her side.  He would see a little old lady, therefore thinking he had strength on his side, and could easily overtake her.  After all, it's just a little old lady.  However, if she wakes up swinging that lead stick, it would be like waking up Mighty Mom, the slayer of dragons and idiots.

Monday, February 18, 2013

I love Words

I love words. Words were "green" before being green was the scene. They are constantly being recycled, and are only harmful to the environment when used with the wrong intent, spoken unkindly, and used to wound. Otherwise, words are grandly green.