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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I May Be an Idiot

I may be an idiot, but I'm an entertaining idiot.  Allow me to tell you just how entertaining I am in my idiocy.  Earlier today, I signed online and was scrolling through the news updates.  I see one that states the following.  "Quack puts a crack in a national monument."  Huh!  Cute play on words.  Why don't they just say a duck put a crack in the monument, and be done with it?  Oh well, anything for a story.  Moving on....

This afternoon, after some nutrition and a nap, again I sign online and scroll through the news updates.  Again I read about the crack in the national monument, only this time I read it as:  Quake puts a crack in a national monument.  Oh well, why didn't they just say that in the first place?  We all know a quacking duck couldn't put a crack in a national monument.

I don't know if my failure to read comments correctly is due to the fact that I won't wear my glasses, or if I really am an idiot.  Either way, I had a good laugh over my idiocy.

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