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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Words With Friends

I've recently started playing Words with Friends, and I think the name of the game should be changed to Friends with Words.  It seems to me that my friends have all the words and I just have 26 letters.  I know that Mr Webster might remind me of his book of words, all created from 26 letters, but my brain has not retained all of those words apparently.

I have friends who can use various combinations of two letters, and Words with Friends consider those two letter combinations to be a word.  Now really, are those words?  I know some two letter combinations that are words.  Words like at, it, si, no, on, be, or, etc.  I try to branch out and use other combinations, and the Words with Friends police will flash a warning at me.  "QR is not a word you idiot."  To prove that I'm an idiot, I yell at the computer, "IT IS TOO.  MY FRIEND JUST USED IT AND GOT 99 POINTS."  INVALID says the computer back at me.

I feel like I'm in kindergarten wanting to be in high school.  See Jane run.  See Jane say hi to Spot.  See Jane be dumb.  I want to read the chapter books with all the big words, but I can't get through the big books with little words.  While I'm fretting over this, my Friends with Words are making up two letter words and getting points of 28, 50, 999.  I can't count that high.  I'm still in kindergarten.

One of my Friends with Words told me that I should have used the Z on a DW space.  DW?  Isn't she a character in one of my children's books I used to read?  I didn't like her in those books, and I don't like her in Words with Friends.  I want to use the DW and the TW, but how can I when the letters I have to use are UUUZZZJ? I tried combinations of those letters in two's.  Words with Friends police said they weren't words.  Yelling that they are hasn't helped me one iota.  Iota is a word, but will it come to me when I'm playing Words with Friends?  NO, it will not.

It's just a game of words.  That's what I keep telling myself, but I want to WIN, and I want to be a WINNER, and I want to use the DW and the TW in a section with a DL and a TL, and I want to get more than 2 points per word.  I also want the Words with Friends police to STOP giving me those warnings about being INVALID.  I'm going to get an inferiority complex.

Is INVALID a word that means it doesn't count, and can't be used, or is it a word that means I'm an INVALID who can't play Words with Friends?  UGH!  Hey, I wonder how many points I could get for using UGH?  Probably 3 points, even though the face value of the letters are more than one point each.

1 comment:

  1. And yet you keep playing! You must be getting some enjoyment out of it. I would have given up from the start, so I admire your tenacity.
